Sparkle studio Apps

Lotus parkour Minecraft map 110
Sparkle studio
Lotus map for mcpe is an evil artificialintelligence computer which have taken control over its own lifeand has now started to force you into dangerous challenges whichinclude everything from risky parkour mcpe map courses to huge,confusing mazes.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventure survival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for Minecraft PEThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This application isintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraft isnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand and theAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrights reserved.
Cloud Quest Map for Minecraft 1.16
Sparkle studio
Cloud Quest is a survival challenge inminecraft where you first will spawn high up in the sky on one ofthe islands. From there you have to gather resources and survive toone day find a way over to the other islands and collect theirresources.On each island there are quests which you can complete. Thequests help guide you in your gameplay for a longer chance ofsurviving. It’s definitely a fun map which can bring many hours offun in mcpe. It’s especially recommended to play together withfriends.One of the best maps for MCPE. Minecraft Pocket Edition.• Latest map mode for CREATION mcpe!• Completely free!• Just click to install!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure, survival,parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsWolf run map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This application isintended for educational purposes only. This app is not affiliatedin any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand and the Assets are allproperty of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. All rightsreserved.
Pixel Art map for Minecraft 1.17
Sparkle studio
Pixel Art Express is a map for minecraft withtons of pixel art memes to explore. The magnitude of each pixel artis incredible. Some of the art are actual faces of realisticpersons, but for the most part you will find characters fromclassic video games and animations.This is very funny mcpe map, so we hope you enjoy it !Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventure survival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for Minecraft PEThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This application isintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraft isnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand and theAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrights reserved.
Journal 3 Map for Minecraft PE 2.0
Sparkle studio
Journal 3 Map for Minecraft - epic adventure,taking place in the kingdom of Atbash. You are a known hero in yourkingdom and the king wants you to go on an adventure to find thethird Magi. Journey through epic winter landscapes, ancient forestsand into the depth of the Nether to stay true to your duty, findthe Magi and save the kingdom from being doomed.It’s by no doubt one of the most amazingly built adventure mapsso far created for Minecraft Pocket Edition. It’s a jaw-droppingexperience through epic landscapes. And the fact that it’s thefirst adventure MCPE map to be released by Alacrity Builds tells usthat there are more maps like this one in store for you in thefuture!StorylineYou are a known hero in the kingdom of Atbash and you’ve beenawarded titles and rewards for your achievements in the army. Theking has called you to his chamber to stand before an audience butit doesn’t strike you as an oddity as it’s something you do almostevery day. But today, it appears, isn’t any day and you are soonset out on an adventure to save the kingdom from being doomed forall eternity.RulesDon’t break blocksStay within map boundariesRead all signs and do what they sayNo modsSecond lowest difficulty (-|–)Recommendation: If you are on a low-end device set render distanceto the lowest before entering the map for MCPE.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure, survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and MCPE modsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojang AB. The Name, Brand and the Assets are all property ofMojang AB or their respectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordance with
The Meteorite map for MCPE 2.0
Sparkle studio
The Meteorite is an adventure mcpe map whereyou have to complete small tasks such as repairing bridges, findyour way through mazes in this map for minecraft pe world andcomplete parkour challenges. Each task is in some way related tothe story which evolves around the fact that a meteorite has hityour village and parts of it was destroyed due to the impact. Itsamazing map for MCPE !StoryA loud explosion woke you up and you quickly rushed to the windowto see what was going on outside. It looks like a meteorite has hitearth and destroyed the path to your friend’s Steve house. That’stoo bad because you had planned to go visit Steve today. As aresult there’s only one way to get there and is using the oldbridge. But the old bridge is broken and needs to be repaired.Let’s hope your neighbours got some wood to spare so you can repairthe old bridge.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventure survival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for Minecraft PEDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial world map for Minecraft PocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB. Name, the Brand and Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheir respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with
Bellum survival MCPE map 1.14
Sparkle studio
Bellum survival is a short adventure mcpe mapwhere the main focus is to survive for as long as you can but withan involved Minecraft story. Your ship has been shipwrecked and youare now stranded on an island doing what you can to survive.If you enjoy the survival part of world but was to have some kindof story to follow then this world for Minecraft is perfect forthat. This mcpe world holds several mysterious places which you canexplore as you continue in the world.Slowly you are waking up, stumbling up on your feet trying tograsp what has happened. Every part of your body hurts and thetaste of salt in your throat is strong. Surround you are largestone hills and a bit further away a small town appears to be. Yourship is now a shipwreck and you only got a little food and a swordand some armor. Best survive map for mcpeYou look around trying to determine where you are but you can’tunderstand. Your mind is drowned in thoughts and right after youblackout.Your ship was wrecked by a huge storm the other night and theentire crew appears to have been wiped out with it. The only thingyou can do is to check out the island and try to find the necessarythings to survive for as long you can.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventure survival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for Minecraft PEThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This application isintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraft isnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand and theAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrights reserved.
Turbine Cloud Map for MCPE 1.13
Sparkle studio
The Turbine Cloud is a creative and fantasyinspired zeppelin consisting of a little city on top of a largezeppelin type of vehicle (minus the otherwise balloon one cosistspartly of).The little city floats high above ground like an air ship with alarge sail to take it forward. Even if it’s obviously sitting stillin Minecraft it’s an incredible build where we imagine it creates agreat scene for roleplayers or alike.Turbine Cloud is an amazingly creative fantasy MCPE map. Itconsists of one large floating airship on which you will find asmall town. It’s like a mobile city which (if it was real) could bythe use of the rudders and propellers move around on its coursethrough air.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure, survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and Minecraft modsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojang AB. Name, Brand and the Assets are all property of Mojang ABor their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with
Mega dropper map for Minecraft 1.16
Sparkle studio
This mcpe map is split up in six levels wherein each one you must survive the fall by dropping into the water atthe bottom. After succeding you are allowed to move on to the nextlevel. Each fall consists of obstacles such as fire, lava andblocks. Your goal is to avoid hitting those obstacles. Mega Dropperis a map inspired by The Dropper which is a popular map ported fromPC to MCPE. Here is a lot of FLY!Now you can fly in minecraft.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventure survival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for Minecraft PEThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This application isintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraft isnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand and theAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrights reserved.
Slime parkour map for MCPE 1.14
Sparkle studio
Ultimate Slime is a hard parkour mcpe map.Sure, there are only four levels but each of them offers a gooddeal of challenges. In each level there are some normal blocks anda couple of slime blocks.The slime blocks act like trampolines and you will have to use thateffect to get onto the next block in the mcpe parkour track.Be sure to see our collection of the best Minecraft PE Maps andgame worlds for download including adventure, survival,parkour,creature, mini-game and minecraft modsSlime map for MCPE is an unofficial App for Minecraft PE. Thisapplication is intended for educational purposes only. This app isnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, Brandand the Assets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectfulowner. All rights reserved.
Aquapark map for Minecraft 1.16
Sparkle studio
Aquapark map for MCPE is a a big water parkwith more than six different water rides. To ride any of the waterrides we highly suggest to use a boat. It’s a good mix of ridessuitable for all ages – some more scary than other ones. Besidesthe water slides there are also some boat racing tracks which youcan use to compete in boat racing with your friends. Enjoy thiswater park mcpe map!One of the best maps for MCPE. Minecraft Pocket Edition.New map ADVENTURE mode for mcpe!Map for Minecraft PEFree mcpe mapJust click to installBe sure to see our other minecraft maps for minecraft !DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojang AB. Name, Brand and the Assets are all property of Mojang ABor their respectful owner. All rights reserved. In accordance with
Gvasdnaar Castle map for MCPE 1.14
Sparkle studio
Gvasdnaar Castle Minecraft map is a smallcastle situated on the shore of a larger ocean.It has been built in tune with the environment as very little ofthe terrain appears to have been terraformed. This MCPE map trulymakes it look more realistic and well adjusted to the terrain.In the castle there’s a couple of empty houses which you candecorate to your liking. There’s also a hanging platform which youcan use for hanging traitors. It’s not actually working but youcould pretend as if it was or add some redstone functionalities, wesuppose.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure, survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This application isintended for educational purposes only. This Minecraft map forMinecraft is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name,Brand and the Assets are all property of Mojang AB or theyrespectful owner. All rights reserved.
Zombie arena Minecraft map 1.16
Sparkle studio
This application is not affiliated in any waywith Mojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. All rights reserved. In accordance with zombies, trade loot for gold ingots and purchase newweapon and armor upgrades. That’s the three main things which themap for Minecraft is all about. There are 10 levels to play and byeach level up things will get a little bit more difficult. Makesure to collect as much loot at this map for MCPE (things droppedby zombies) as you can as these items are used for trading andupgrading.Be sure to see our collection of the best Minecraft PE Maps andgame worlds for download including adventure, survival, mods,minigame and parkour MCPE maps.How to play?There are 10 different waves mob zombies to complete. It gets alittle bit more difficult for each new wave of monsters.Enter the arena by holding down your finger on the screen and thelong-tap on the minecart on the other side of the wall.Pull one of the levers on the wall to start a wave.To keep up with the difficulty you can use the loot which you’veobtained from the monsters to retrieve gold ingots.Place the loot in the hopper to retrieve the gold ingots.When you’ve got enough gold ingots you can use these to purchasenew armor and weapon upgrades.This MCPE map is designed for one player but you could probablyplay it one other player as well. Just make sure to share the armorand weapons.
End city map for Minecraft PE 1.9
Sparkle studio
The End City is a really cool creation whichlets you go on an adventure to the End dimension. The End is one ofthose features which exists in the PC version, but not yet forPocket Edition. So yeah, this isn’t the real End dimension but it’sa really nice attempt of creating a similar experience of what itlooks and feels like in the PC MCPE map.How to go to the End?This world was created in a version of Minecraft Pocket Editionwhere the End dimension doesn’t yet exist. This is just a mcpe mapand not actually the real End dimension, but it is strikinglysimilar!Once you’ve spawned in the world there will be a portal whichlooks similar to the End Portal. There are also some buttons whichyou can use to obtain potions, food and a weapon. Walk into theportal to be teleported to the fake End dimension.Recommended Settings:To really make it look like the End we recommend that you play themap with the following settings applied to your gameplay.Set difficulty to max (required for the endermen to spawn!)Remove night vision potion effectSet to nighttimeTurn off beautiful skiesBe sure to see our collection of the best Minecraft PE Maps andgame worlds for download including adventure, mcpesurvival,parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsEnd city map for MCPE is an unofficial App of mcpe. Thisapplication is intended for educational purposes only. This app isnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Minecraft map, Brandand the Assets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectfulowner. All rights reserved.
Roller coaster MCPE map 1.8
Sparkle studio
If you love roller coaster Minecraftattractions then be sure to download and install this MCPE map. Mapgot its name due to the fact that these slides as long as thetongue of a lizard and vaguely resemble him.After you appear on a map, immediately go to the building where youwill be asked to sit in the trolley and begin a fascinating journeyon the map Lizard's Tongue - Tongue lizard in the game.If you wanted to ride on the American crusts that are located onthis map for Minecraft, then we strongly encourage you to do it inthe dark, since the map actually has lighting at night and looksgreat. The roller coaster should be ridden during night as it gotcool spotlights placed on perfect locations throughout the entireroller coaster.New map ADVENTURE mode for mcpe!Map for Minecraft Pocket EditionFree mcpe mapJust click to installBe sure to see our collection of the best Minecraft PE Maps andgame worlds for download including adventure, survival, mods,minigame and parkour MCPE maps.This map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This application isintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraft isnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand and theAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrights reserved.
Hide and seek kitchen MCPE map 1.9
Sparkle studio
Its a fun hide and seek minigame takingplacein a huge kitchen. Some of the hiding places include alargefridge, cupboards, a zink and an oven. It looks quiterealistic andit will feel as if you are an ant in a huge world.If you don’t know how to play hide'n seek, make sure to readtheinstructions further down on this page.How to play?This map requires at least 2 players but can be played with asmanyplayers you want. At least one of the players has to beaseeker.As soon as you’ve entered the map the hiders should enterthekitchen and find a good hiding place. There are a lot of placestouse. For example, you can hide in an enormous cheese. You canalsoenter an oven and hide in there. But as mentioned before, therearea lot of places to use for hiding.The seeker should jump into the cobweb and wait to passthrough(don’t break the cobweb). Once the seeker has passed throughthecobweb he or she can start looking for other players. Foundplayersshould announce in the chat that they have been found andgatherback at the starting area.New map ADVENTURE mode for mcpe!Map for Minecraft Pocket EditionFree mcpe mapJust click to installBe sure to see our collection of the best Minecraft PE Mapsandgame worlds for download including adventure, survival,mods,minigame and parkour MCPE maps.Hide and Seek map for MCPE is an unofficial App for MinecraftPE.This application is intended for educational purposes only.This appis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The MinecraftName,Brand and the Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner. All rights reserved.
Roller coaster map for MCPE 1.101
Sparkle studio
Roller coaster mcpe map -its alengthy,confusing and mind-boggling roller coaster. The ride takesyouthrough a very artistic world. The colors and patternsareconsistently shifting and throughout the ride you have tostayfocused if you want to absorb the entire psychedelicexperience.If you are into psychedelic art then this map for mcpeisdefinitely something for you. You could consider it as anadventureMinecraft of modern art and patterns.Because it’s a speedy ride it won’t take many minutesuntilyou’ve finished it. Either way it’s definitely worththeexperience.With this map for Minecraft you expect on the crazy rollercoasterwith the sharp turns . Get in minecart and enjoy theamazingdriving experience in mcpe mod !Be sure to see our collection of the best Minecraft PE Mapsandgame worlds for download including adventure minecraft,survival,parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial map for MCPE. Thisapplicationis intended for educational purposes only. This app isnotaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. Name, Brand and theAssetsare all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrightsreserved.
Candy Land Parkour MCPE map 1.101
Sparkle studio
Candy Land is a short and fun parkourmcpeworld with lots of cakes and other sweets to eat or experienceinsome other way. The cakes you can eat but the lollipops andcandycanes are just there for decoration or parts of the parkourmap formcpe to get you from one place to another. It’s really abeautifulmcpe map which surely will make you crave for candy. Ifyou lovecandy you will love Candy Land. Hope u enjot this Minecraftmap!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This world for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
XMAS Parkour map for MCPE 1.17
Sparkle studio
With only a few days to Christmasremainingthis is the perfect world for minecraft to play as it willsurelyget you into the right spirit. In its entirety it consists offourparkour levels which are all uniquely designed in a Christmasmcpetheme. For example, in one level you will enter anenormousChristmas tree and the challenge is to parkour all the wayup tothe top to get on to the next level. Parkour - the best modformcpeIt should be noted that this world only exists in aSpanishversion. As a result, all signs will be in Spanish. But justbreakthe iron trapdoor in the beginning of the map to getstarted.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventuresurvival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for MinecraftPEThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map for MinecraftPEis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brandandthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectfulowner.All rights reserved.
Super Mansion MCPE map 1.6
Sparkle studio
The Super Mansion Minecraft map is amodernhome which features lots of redstone creations. For example,theentrance of the house requires a secret passcode to enter.Thereare several hidden storage rooms all throughout themansion.Basically everything which can be used for somethingrequires sometype of redstone mechanism to be enabled and accessed.Finding the MansionThe spawn on top of MCPE map a large mountain. Not far fromspawnyou should be able to see a village. Go to the MCPE villageandpast it to reach the mansion. All signs are in SpanishorPortuguese. But just read down below to learn how to enterthemansion and some other stuff.At the entrance of the mansion there is a chest on the left.Takethe notes from the chest and drop 2 notes at the right cornerof theentrance to open the iron doors. Once you are inside most ofthethings are quite easy to understand, even if you don’tunderstandthe sign explainations.The bottom floor consists of one large living room withcouches,a table and a fireplace. The fireplace is more than justafireplace. Press the button on the left side to be able to enterastorage room.The second floor connects multiple rooms which can be accessedbynormal doors and also hidden passages. There are also a bunchofautomatic armor Minecraft mod wardrobes.Access the Nether through the mouth of a creeper.The master bedroom consists of a large bed and a flatscreenTV.A secret stable to keep all your animals safe.There are lots more to explore than this but we’ll leave thatforyou to explore by yourself!One of the best maps for MCPE.Just click to installBe sure to see our other adventure survival parkour mapsforMCPE!Maps For Minecraft PE IS NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT POCKETEDITIONPRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG. TheMinecraftName, Brand and Assets are all property of Mojang ortheirrespectful owner.
Dimension Temple map for MCPE 1.7
Sparkle studio
Dimension Temple is a great adventure mapforMinecraft where you play as a great adventurer. Mostrecentlyyou’ve traveled to a temple to find the legendarydimensionaldiamond. There are puzzles, parkour and other challengeswhich youneed to complete in order to complete the MCPE map andobtain thedimensional diamond.StorylineYou are a world famous treasure Minecraft map hunter who havefoundlots of treasures all over the world. You are now going totheDimension Temple which will be one of your greatestadventuresever. The mission is to find the legendarydimensionaldiamond.Many have gone before you but they have all died because ofthedangerous traps, or been lost in all infinite due to theconfusingmcpe mazes or just simply given up.There are two ways this can turn out. Either you will become oneofthe riches Minecraftians in the whole universe or you’ll die tryBe sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This world for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Mob coaster map for MCPE 1.6
Sparkle studio
This is a MCPE map where you will betravelingthrough the dark jaws of skeletons and smelly mouths ofcreepers.It might not sound as a very refreshing adventure but wecanguarantee excitement and a little bit of horror if you areintothat.It’s a unique map for MCPE where the mobs of Minecraft have takenonthe major role as the main attractions in the map.Skeletons,endermen, creepers and squids are some of the interestingbuildsintegrated with a roller coaster you’ll experience.The Mob Coaster is a great rollercoaster that will take youthroughthe magical world of Minecraft while showcasing someincrediblebuilds based on different monsters within the game. Theworld alsouses redstone contraptions to trigger differentcontraptions alongthe ride. You’ll have to take a ride for yourselfto experiencethis masterpiece in all its glory, but if you’d liketo see it inaction first there will be a video below showcasing themap.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This world for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Treasure land map for MCPE 1.17
Sparkle studio
The mcpe map got loads of hiddentreasures,finesse and great artistry. You will spawn in theunderground andfrom there have to make your way up to the topthrough differentchallenges. For example, in one place of the mcpeworld there is ahuge trap and if you manage to get trapped becauseof it you simplyhave to start over.Throughout the Minecraft map there are chests which gotdifferentloot. One chest have a wolf spawn egg and some boneswhich mean youcan try and tame a wolf to gain some advantage. Itsamazingadventure for Minecraft world!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventuresurvival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for MinecraftPEThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Chernobyl Map for Minecraft 1.16
Sparkle studio
It’s year 1986 and you are in the cityofChernobyl and the nuclear power plant will soon explode. TheSovietUnion and the US are competing for the best Minecraft armyand as aresult there’s very little food for the common people.Communismdoesn’t seem to be working out. Your name is Oleg and youcan feelhow your stomach is aching because of hunger so you decidego lookfor some food. Its all in minecraft pe world!There are 42 minutes left until the Chernobyl MCPE mapnuclearpower plant in Ukraine explodes. You aren’t yet awarethough. Theonly thing that’s going through your head is food – youmust findfood!This is an adventure mcpe map which is based on the reallifedisaster of the Chernobyl nuclear power plantaccident in Ukraine. Many people died.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Simple: Lost Temple MCPE map 1.5
Sparkle studio
Simple: Lost Temple is an adventureMinecraftmap which takes place on the Davao Island somewhere intheMinecraftian sea. It’s an mcpe island with ancient MCPE secretsandmyths dating back thousands of years to ancient times, now ontheverge of being forgotten. You’ve traveled here to findsomeprecious gems but to find them you must complete a series oftests.The story in the Minecraft map is slightly confusing attimes.But just read it carefully and you should probably be abletofigure it out.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Igloo Village map for MCPE 1.4
Sparkle studio
This Minecraft map was created as a conceptforthe idea to add a new type of snow village consisting of igloosandice temples to Minecraft Pocket Edition. It’s by no meansanofficial feature but it’s nonetheless a really goodidea,especially if there was some inuit people inhabiting thevillage.Not only is it a cool idea but it’s also a great MCPE mapwhich canbe used for your next survival MCPE adventure map.Here’s is one of the igloos in the MCPE village. It’s afairlysmall building with no door, but that’s something you couldeasilyadd in case you want to stay protected against evil monstersduringthe night.On one if the hills you will find an ice temple. Its designisvery similar to a desert temple except that it is built usingiceblocks.Get this skin and cozy up inside an igloo.In one of the mountains you will find an opening to a cavewhichyou can use as your home. It’s not very big but it does have abedand no monsters should be able to get there.Here’s an overview of the village during the night.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojang AB. Name, Brand and the Assets are all property ofMojang ABor their respectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Wooden Cobra Roller Coaster 1.4
Sparkle studio
The Wooden Cobra is a grand roller coastermapfor Minecraft which has been built in a normal forestbiome.It will take you through a mix of places. Everything from oldminesto farms. If this was real life it would definitely bescary.But as it’s Minecraft map, it’s less scary, but stilldefinitelyworth a try if you like roller coasters for Minecraft.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and MCPE modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This application isnotaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Hell prison map for Minecraft 1.9
Sparkle studio
Because of a simple misunderstanding youhavebeen put in Hell Prison map for Minecraft which is literallyinhell where all evil people of Minecraft map (mostly zombiesandskeletons) are sent to serve their sentences, usuallylifesentences.You’ve had enough and figure that the only way you will ever seethesun and breath fresh air again is to escape this hell. To do soyouhave to go on a very dangerous adventure where battles withzombiesmap for mcpe and other evil creatures will beinevitable.Find the secrets mcpe rooms and get the gear you need to get outofthere, but remember to destroy the final reactor before you doso.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
All in one Minecraft maps 1.6
Sparkle studio
All In One is a MCPE map packed with50attractions of various kinds ranging from multiplayer minigamestochallenging parkour courses. It’s the perfect MCPE map toplaytogether with friends as it offers an endless amount of gamestoexperience either by yourself or with a group of friends. Thereisno strict path you must follow instead you can just pick andchoosewhich thing you want to start with.AttractionsPlay eight holes of miniature golf. It’s really simple. Justdropthe ball on the mini golf course to hit the ball. If you missthehole, then go and pick up the ball and throw it again.There are lots of different parkour courses. Play thembyyourself or compete against friends.Get some carrots from the chest and then use it to lead thepigto a pressure plate which will send a redstone signal and causethedoor to open.This minigame is probably supposed to be something similar tothepopular Streeteout minigame.King of the ladder is supposed to be played by up to fourplayers(and minimum two). Count down from 10 and then climb up theladderand try to get to the top first.Soccer map in Minecraft isn’t like ordinary soccer. Take atoolfrom the chest (depending on the difficulty level you want toplayon) and then use the tool to try to push another player intoagoal.Put on your wetsuit and get ready for a short but fun boatrace.This is recommended for up to three players.There are lots more attractions than the ones mentioned here.Buthopefully it will give you an idea of what to expect in theactualmap for Minecraft.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This world for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Alaska Town map for minecraft 1.16
Sparkle studio
On the Alaska Town map for MCPE you willseethe charming town that looks quite modest, but at the sametimeincredibly beautiful and interesting! It is located in Alaska,inan area with icy winds, piercing everyone to the bone.Theatmosphere is simply unforgettable!In the small village will be built in the form ofdifferenthouses, and next to them in the parking lots of parkedcars -typical for that area. Next to them - tanks with explosivefuelthat apparently transported thousands of kilometers. It lacksonlythe sledge with huskies, but without that it will be very coolatthis map for Minecraft!The Minecraft map is made very nicely and in detail, do notmissthe opportunity to go there!Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the best MinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,parkour, creature, mini-game and MCPE modsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojang AB. Name, Brand and the Assets are all property ofMojang ABor their respectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Halloween Dropper map for MCPE 1.3
Sparkle studio
Halloween Dropper is the 6th Minecraft mapinan ongoing series of dropper maps. This time it features14different levels and some of which are Halloween themed.Mostlevels are really cool as they include really amazing colorandpattern combinations which definitely boosts the experience oftheMCPE map. If you are new to dropper maps for Minecraft thenyoumight want to try one of the previous MCPE maps first.How to play?There are three rooms in total and in each one you will findfourdifferent levels. Make sure to read the signs to understandatwhich MCPE level to start.The objective is the jump down and try to land in the water.Onceyou start falling use the normal controllers to steer awayfrom theobstacles. It might take a few tries before yousuccessfully land inthe water. But once you do, it means you havecompleted that leveland can move on to the next level.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojang AB. Name, Brand and the Assets are all property ofMojang ABor their respectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Knight hide and seek MCPE map 1.8
Sparkle studio
Even though the MCPE map itself is quitesmallthere are plenty of areas such as secret tunnels and hiddenroomsto explore and try to take advantage of. The Minecraft mapoffers arich variety of redstone alternatives which give the mapsfor MCPEa smooth run.MCPE world name: Knights vs BanditsMissions1. The knights have to protect the castle from the attackingbanditswhose mission is to sack the castle and then blow itup.2. The knights mission is to defend the Minecraft castle atanycost. The bandits on the other hand got the completeoppositemission. Their mission is to attack the castle and try tofind thecore TNT block of the castle and break it.Knights:The knights are the defenders of the castle and are going toprotect“the core”, which is a TNT block hidden somewhere in thecastle. Ifthe bandits find and destroy the core, an ocean of TNTwill raindown from above and blow up the castle.Bandits:Your goal here is to storm the castle and try to find thecoreinside the castle.Tips:1. There are also some hidden yellow sponges that might helpyouout! They come with great advantages for you and yourteammate.Behind every yellow sponge waits one of the following: adiamondsword, bows and arrows, or a redstone alternative that willhelpyou out.2. Breaking TNTs don’t normally ignite them you might think. Butabig surprise is waiting for the one breaking the core TNT blockinthe castle as plenty of TNTs above the castle will be activatedandfall down to the ground and blow up.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Wolf run map for MCPE 1.11
Sparkle studio
Get chasen by wolves and run for yourlife.That’s what this Minecraft map is all about. There areseveralobstacles in the MCPE map such as lava and cactuses. One ofyourobjectives are to avoid these obstacles but also use them toyouradvantage. For example, try to lead a wolf into water and youwillslow it down. Its very hard map for MCPE !Being chased by somebody is as you probably know veryintensive,especially if you don’t have any weapons to defendyourself. Yourheart will definitely start pumping faster if you areas mostfolks, scared of wolves and especially being chased bythem.How to play Minecraft?Open the chest at spawn and grab some wolf spawn eggs. Use oneofthe eggs to spawn a wolf. If you want to make things evenharder,add several wolves. When you are ready, hit the wolf and runforyour life.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftMaps and game worlds for download including adventuresurvival mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and mods for MinecraftPEThis map for MCPE is an unofficial App. This applicationisintended for educational purposes only. This map for Minecraftisnot affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. The Name, Brand andtheAssets are all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner.Allrights reserved.
Olymcraft Map for Minecraft PE 1.3
Sparkle studio
This Minecraft map contains 9differentminigames which are most enjoyable to play together withfriends.Most of them are Minecraft versions of games you’d find intheOlympics. Some of them are actually quite clever. For example,myfavorites are javelin throw, archery and athletics 100m. Youcanexpect somewhere around 30 minutes of gameplay but itmostlydepends on how many people are going to play.Archery: Take a bow and some arrows from the chests. Thentaketurns to shoot at the target. Make sure to note downeveryone’sscore.Boat Race: Pick your boat and then pull the lever to start theMCPErace.Javelin Throw: Take some arrows and a bow from the chests.Thetrick to hit the target is by shooting up into the air.Horse Race: Sit down on a horse and then try to complete thetrackbefore anyone else.Athletics 100m: Sprint as fast as you can!There are a couple of more games to explore but those I’llleaveyou to discover by yourself in-game.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPE Maps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpe parkour, creature, mini-game and Minecraft modsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojang AB. Name, Brand and the Assets are all property ofMojang ABor their respectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith